2024 NCFC Congressional Candidate Survey

Answers to All Questions Are Required.

Question 1

Do you believe the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights is a limitation on government, is an individual right that is protected by the Constitution of the United States of America, and that it is the duty of the United States Congress to protect that right?
Question 1 Answer(Required)

Question 2

If elected, would you OPPOSE and vote NO on legislation like S. 529 that restricts law-abiding citizens from privately selling firearms to other law-abiding citizens without possessing a Federal Firearms License or submitting to a state or federal background check? These checks form a de facto national gun registry, which the ATF recently said contains one billion records.
Question 2 Answer(Required)

Question 3

If elected, would you OPPOSE and vote NO on legislation like S. 1819 that establishes ‘Red Flag Gun Confiscation’ in America, knowing that these proposals violate Americas long enshrined due process rights by allowing the courts to order the seizure of a gun owner’s firearms, before they’ve been convicted of a crime in a court of law?
Question 3 Answer(Required)

Question 4

If elected, would you OPPOSE and vote NO on legislation like S. 1108 that makes it illegal for law-abiding citizens to own and possess firearms and firearms accessories such as standard 30-round magazines, firearms made from 80% lowers, suppressors and other accessories that are in common use, making firearms safer to use while not increasing violent crime?
Question 4 Answer(Required)

Question 5

If elected, would you OPPOSE and vote NO on legislation like S. 736 which makes felons out of law-abiding gun owners for the sale, manufacture, importation, or possession of hundreds of different styles of semi-automatic rifles, shotguns or handguns, including the AR-15?
Question 5 Answer(Required)

Question 6

If elected, would you OPPOSE and vote NO on all legislative attempts to disarm lawful citizens through mental health processes that allow judges, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, or anyone else to arbitrarily declare someone mentally defective, disarming them before they’ve had their day in court?
Question 6 Answer(Required)

Question 7

If elected, would you SUPPORT and vote YES on legislation like H.R. 6248 which establishes a national Stand-Your-Ground law, by removing the ‘duty to retreat,’ clarifying that gun owners are legally able to defend themselves against violent predators, without having to retreat first?
Question 7 Answer(Required)

Question 8

If elected, would you SUPPORT and vote YES on legislation like H.R. 3960 which would abolish the scandal-ridden Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives after giving them time to inventory and sell the firearms in their possession and divert their cases to the Federal Bureau of Investigation?
Question 8 Answer(Required)

Question 9

If elected, would you SUPPORT and vote YES on legislation that would repeal the 1994 Gun Free Schools Act, which has made America’s schools the site of repeated mass shootings, as violent criminals know that they are unlikely to face any armed opposition?
Question 9 Answer(Required)

Question 10

If elected, would you SUPPORT and vote YES on legislation like H.R. 993, a national Second Amendment Preservation Act, that prohibits the use of federal funds to enforce federal gun control laws, regulations, executive orders, treaties etc. or any regulation issued by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms?
Question 10 Answer(Required)
Name (As it will appear on the ballot)(Required)
Please enter a number from 1 to 14.
Party Affiliation(Required)

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Please Note:

  • Unanswered questions will be considered as opposition to the rights of gun owners.
  • Feel free to attach additional comments to this survey, but know that we cannot publish them.
  • If you have any questions about this survey or need clarification on any question please email us at [email protected].
  • Unsigned surveys cannot be accepted for publication.
  • Please note that your responses are not considered official until and unless it is submitted electronically in its entirety.
  • Please Note: The deadline for receipt of your signed, completed survey is 5:00 pm on February 16, 2024.

@ 2025 North Carolina Firearms Coalition.
3434 Edwards Mill Road, Ste. 112-130, Raleigh, NC 27612.