Where is Richard Burr?

When US Senator Richard Burr was questioned by the fake news ‘journalists’ at The New York Times about whether he would support House-passed gun control bills, this is what Burr had to say:

I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t give us much confidence here at the North Carolina Firearms Coalition.

Republican US Senators shouldn’t even DREAM of negotiating with Chuck Schumer and the Left on gun control, PERIOD!

“HELL NO!” would be the answer you or I would give, and it should have been what Senator Burr said too.

That’s why you and I need to flood his office with petitions demanding that he hold the line in the Senate on our Second Amendment!


The fact is, gun owners across America, and especially in North Carolina, cannot afford to let a single “Republican” US Senator defect to the radicals in the Democrat party.

Fake News is accurately reporting that at least five or six and as many as TEN Republicans are already at the negotiating table with Chuck Schumer, Dick Blumenthal and Chris Murphy to come up with a bipartisan compromise gun control bill!

The fact is, gun owners across America, and especially in North Carolina, cannot afford to let a single “Republican” US Senator defect to the radicals in the Democrat party.

Fake News is accurately reporting that at least five or six and as many as TEN Republicans are already at the negotiating table with Chuck Schumer, Dick Blumenthal and Chris Murphy to come up with a bipartisan compromise gun control bill!

Remember, all Chuck Schumer needs to do is convince ten Republicans to side with the Democrats and they would be able to break the filibuster rule and pass whatever they want!

And if that happens? You can kiss the constitutional right you have to own a firearm goodbye, and our country along with it.

That’s why it is so important that you take action right now by signing your OFFICIAL petition to Senator Burr telling him to stand up and FIGHT for our Second Amendment in the Senate!


We are in a full-blown culture war, and the Left is trying to permanently destroy our 2nd Amendment because they’re on a mission to disarm their political opponents completely.

And we know what happens when governments disarm their political opponents.

That’s why Senators like Richard Burr cannot be allowed to sit on the sidelines in this fight – he needs to take action!

So please stand up and FIGHT for our Second Amendment freedoms today and tell US Senator Richard Burr to vote NO on all gun-control!

For Freedom,

Christopher Dorr
Executive Director
North Carolina Firearms Coalition